Działalność biznesowa Pay-Send B.V. ma na celu zapewnienie osobom poszukującym pracy równych szans w pracy, niezależnie od ich wieku, płci, stanu cywilnego, orientacji seksualnej, życia, przekonań politycznych lub religijnych, rasy, pochodzenia etnicznego lub narodowości.
W procesie rekrutacji i selekcji osoby poszukujące pracy są traktowane jednakowo, ponieważ są oceniane wyłącznie na podstawie kryteriów związanych z pracą.

Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide clarity and transparency to employees and third parties regarding the following topics:

  1. B.V. defines as discrimination and discriminatory requests.

  2. Pay-Send B.V.’s vision and stance on discrimination and discriminatory requests.

  3. Employee Conduct:

    1. Expectations: What is expected of employees in their conduct while performing their duties, particularly regarding activities related to recruitment and selection in support of business operations.
    2. Support: Where employees can go for consultation or to report any incidents.

  4. Employer Responsibility.

Definicja dyskryminacji

Discrimination is understood as making direct and indirect distinctions between individuals based on age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin, or nationality.

Discrimination also includes explicitly responding to clients’ requests to make distinctions between individuals in the recruitment and selection process based on criteria that are not necessary or relevant for the proper performance of the position.

Pay-Send B.V.'s Perspective

a. Pay-Send B.V. rejects all forms of discrimination.

b. Client requests to consider specific criteria in the recruitment and selection process will only be honored if there is an objective justification

Objective justification exists if the selection based on the requested criteria:

• Serves a legitimate purpose. This means there is a valid work-related reason to select specific criteria during recruitment and selection (e.g., safety can be considered a legitimate purpose).

• Results in achieving the legitimate purpose and uses appropriate means to do so.

• Is proportional to the purpose, ensuring a reasonable balance between the goal and the measures taken.

• Is necessary because there is no other, less discriminatory way to achieve the goal (the criterion of necessity is fulfilled).

c. Pay-Send B.V. does not tolerate discriminatory treatment of employees by third parties.
This also applies to employees who perform work under the direction and supervision of a client.

Employee Responses

a. Employees have a personal responsibility to be vigilant about discriminatory requests from clients, to recognize such requests, and to ensure that no cooperation is given to them.

b. If an employee is unsure whether a client’s request to consider certain criteria in recruitment and selection has an objective justification, or if they have questions about how to handle such a request, they can consult Leon Iwaniuk (Director) for guidance.

c. If an employee identifies discrimination and wishes to address it, report misconduct or inappropriate behavior, and/or raise an issue of trust, they can contact Leon Iwaniuk (Director). 

Employer Responsibility

Pay-Send B.V. is responsible for:

  • Creating a safe work environment where individuals treat each other with respect, fostering constructive consultation, and preventing and addressing any form of undesirable behavior.
  • Promoting awareness and implementation of this anti-discrimination policy.

This includes ensuring that employees:

  •  Are informed and familiar with the policy. This is achieved by providing all employees access to the policy and publishing it on the company website.
  • Receive appropriate training on how to recognize discrimination and discriminatory requests. This is implemented through a discrimination poster, prominently displayed in the workplace, and by guiding employees to the informational webpage, where they can review the information and supporting videos available.
  •  Are prepared for situations where they might encounter discriminatory requests and know how to handle and redirect such conversations with clients. This is done by actively using the NBBU guidelines on combating discrimination as a reference and discussing discriminatory requests on a case-by-case basis during regular meetings.
  • Regularly evaluating and updating this policy.

Pay-Send B.V.

Have questions or need more information? Fill out the form and our team will contact you within 1 business day. You can also call us for immediate assistance or to schedule a meeting – we are here for you!

Administration Department
+31 79 303 00822

Recruitment Department
+31 6 51318085

Contact Form

    Administration Department
    +31 79 303 00822
    Recruitment Department
    +31 6 51318085

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    Pay-Send specializes in providing temporary workers across various industries and roles. Our vast network of motivated employees ensures quick and flexible solutions. Whether you’re looking for top talent or are the top talent we’re seeking – contact us today!


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